Blog & Press

Do you love the truly unique taste of our exclusive chocolates and hand-crafted pralines? Are you interested in the history and background of the craft of confectioners and chocolatiers? Would you like to learn more about the Leysieffer manufactory? Then take a look at these exciting and entertaining articles for your exquisite reading pleasure.

Leysieffer in der Schloßstraße in Berlin: neue Lust am Einkaufen / Eröffnungsrabatt

Osnabrück, Berlin, 18. April 2023. Das Leysieffer Feinkostgeschäft in der Schloßstraße in Berlin-Steglitz

European League of Football presents ADLER Mode as main sponsor and adds Leysieffer to sponsorship portfolio

After the entrepreneurial group ZEITFRACHT has already been presented as main partner until 2024, the brands ADLER Mode

Laura Nolte knüpft an die starke letzte Saison an

Starke Leistung zum Saisonauftakt: Laura Nolte fuhr mit ihrer Ersatzfahrerin Lena Neunecker zum Saisonauftakt in Altenberg am Mittwoch auf Platz eins.

Baumkuchen/Tree cake: "The master of cakes" is full of layers and stories.

A great deal of craftsmanship, experience and patience are required when Leysieffer's confectioners prepare our famous Baumkuchen.

Fruit spreads: Leysieffer's sweet passion

It bubbles, steams and hisses when jams and marmelades are prepared at Leysieffer. The smell of sweet fruit fills the room when they are cooked in large copper kettles over an open fire ...